My understanding of Psychotherapy

When should you consider seeing a psychotherapist?


There are multiple reasons to start doing psychotherapy. People, who seek my help, sometimes suffer from severe mental disorders, have experienced all kinds of traumatic events or have been challenged by psychosomatic diseases. Some people have reached a point in their life, where important desicions have to be made or they "simply" long for a better quality of life. Others feel the need to explore themselfes in a secure environment to unfold even more in their own personal growth. There is no issue that is too „irrelevant“ to start seeking help.


Integrative Psychotherapy blends together multiple creative therapeutic approaches to get in deeper touch with oneself. Psychotherapy is legally recognized and scientifically approved.


Psychotherapy is a process that requires time and space to ensure the development of a trusting therapeutic relationship. On the basis of this relationship, painful issues can be brought up and development potentials can unfold. New resources and behavioral possibilities can be opened up and old wounds can be soothed.


Wholeheartedness, creativity, mindfulness and humor are key elements that shape my own attitude towards psychotherapy. I always feel deeply grateful and touched, whenever my clients have the courage to let me witness their vulnerability.


One important basic assumption of my theoretical background is the unity and connectedness of Body, Mind and Soul. Other important key elements of my work are creative media (drawing, poetry, music, scenic lineups, roleplay,…) in order to find ways of expression. These are only implemented if one feels comfortable and safe doing so. To me it is very important to be mindful during the whole therapeutic process and to find creative interventions that match my clients needs.